Prompts for Journal Reflections

Prompts for science logs/journals:


• I wonder why

• I was really surprised when

• During the discussion, I wondered

• I see a pattern in

• I know

• I think this _________ because _____________.

• This makes _____________ this happen ______________________.

o The chain on the gear makes the back wheel turn.

• What patterns do you see ____________________

o What patterns do you see in nature on your way to school?

• How are a ___________________ and a ___________________ related?

o How are an oak leaf and an acorn related?

o How are an apple and a snail related?

• What do/did you see/hear/feel?

• What did it look like?

• What do you think the functions(s) are?

• How does this relate to others you have seen?

• Science question of the week – pose a question

• How could we ______________?

o How could we observe weather conditions?

• What factors might cause _____________________?

o What factors might cause temperature change?

• Where could we ___________________________?

o Where could we test the temperature?

• After looking at your data table, what did you notice?

• What is happening here?

• Compared to yesterday, what changes have you noticed?

• What predictions can you make?

• What would happen if you threw a piece of trash on the ground? What if everyone did?

• What would happen if you grew taller than trees? How would the effect the environment?

• What would happen if there were no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes? How would this change the world as we know it?

• What if everyone lived under water? in space? in trees?

• What do you think the world needs now?

• What do you think someone in __________ grade can do to help reduce the amount of pollution in our environment?

• What would you invent to make life better?